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Investing in the United States
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The United States is a very important market for any global company, with 300 million consumers, a continent measuring up to 3.7 million square miles, and an enormous economy. The American workforce is well educated, very productive, and innovative. As a place to invest, the United States offers a conventional and clear legal system, excellent infrastructure, and access to one of the world’s most worthwhile consumer markets.

The United States has the largest economy in the world, with an estimated per capita GDP of $45,000. Foreign investors are free to make economic decisions within the U.S. economy, and are able to enjoy relatively low levels of regulation, taxation, and government involvement. Moreover, the United States is ranked high rather consistently as an attractive business and investment environment. The US was ranked number one in the latest United Nations Foreign Direct Investment Potential Index, Business Competitive Index, and Global Innovation Index.

With 300 million consumers, global companies invest in the United States in order to be close to their customers in this dynamic consumer market. The United States accounts for 42 % of the global consumer good market and 24% of the global luxury goods market. Global innovation in the United States receives great attention. Of the total OECD research and development expenditures in 2004, 35% was contributed by the US. In the computer, information technology, and the medical, aerospace and military equipment sectors, American companies have a front position in technological advances and innovation.

Lastly, the United States is a friendly and welcoming country, and has attracted many foreigners already. Being a nation of immigrants, the United States has one of the most extensive cultural diasporas in the world.

The primary contact for Dutch businesses wanting to learn more about the US is the Economic Information Service (Economische Voorlichtingsdienst, EVD), an agency of the Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs in the Hague. The EVD website (www.evd.nl) has lots of information about the US economy, import/export rules and regulations, labour, environment and tax law, entrance strategies, etc. It also provides information on how to locate specific US market sector information.

This embassy website has lots of general and specific information about doing business in the US. Please look at the link under this page on Doing Business in the US. There is a publication in the Dutch language entitled “Zakendoen in de VS” that is a useful starting point for gathering data about (doing business in) the US. Dutch businesses should feel free to contact the trade officers at the Embassy, the Consulates-General or the NBSO (Netherlands Business Support Office) in the general region in which they are thinking about starting/expanding a business.

Economic & Trade related questions: chicago@trade-minbuza.nl
Peter Verheyen
Herbert Wennink

Los Angeles
Economic& Trade related questions:
Jaap Veerman
Conny Lederer and Lydia Muyen

Economic & Trade related questions:
Arend Gouw
Esther van Geloven

New York
Economic Trade related questions: newyork@trade-minbuza.nl
Marielle van der Linden
Tineke de Vries
Arjan Braamskamp

Washington, DC
Economic & Trade related questions: washington@trade-minbuza.nl
Dale Morris
Suzanne de Groot
Caroline Feitel

San Mateo
Netherlands Business Support Office (NBSO)
Ella van Gool, 650 356-0017, ella@nbso-california.com

The US Small Business Administration provides very useful information on how to start of business, conduct business, manage employees, deal with finance and tax issues, etc.

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©2009 Embassy of the Kingdom of The Netherlands, Ottawa, Canada
Constitution Square Building
350 Albert Street, suite 2020, Ottawa, ON K1R 1A4 – CANADA
1-877-DUTCHHELP (1-877-388-2443) (phone)
+1 613 237 6471 (fax)

Consular Section Open to the public
Monday – Friday from 09:30am – 12:30pm

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