Remarks by Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende on Wilders film, February 29, 2024
March 1, 2024

The Netherlands upholds the principles of freedom and respect. People deserve respect for what matters to them most, their beliefs and their identity. Constitutional liberties must be defended; extremism and terrorism must be resisted.
At this moment none of us knows the content of the film that Mr Wilders has announced. Nevertheless, it is clearly eliciting exceptionally strong reactions. We condemn all threats, including those that have been made against Mr Wilders. We call on governments to uphold the principles of international law, such as the obligation it enshrines to protect foreign interests, nationals and businesses.
At the same time, it is our responsibility to make clear to everyone that the views and actions of this one elected representative are not those of the government. We defend the core values of freedom and respect. We guarantee freedom of expression and of religion, for Muslims as for everyone else. We are trying day by day to ensure that all the groups that make up the population of the Netherlands can live and work together peacefully. The government thus has a very different standpoint from Mr Wilders in this matter; we fundamentally disagree with him.
Every one of us, ministers and elected representatives, in the Netherlands and abroad, has a responsibility to constantly weigh the consequences of what we say. We are guaranteed the right to express ourselves freely within the limits set by the law. This right is precious to us, and we will defend it uncompromisingly.
We call on everyone in the coming days and weeks to act both freely and responsibly, bearing in mind all the consequences that their actions may have, without endangering the things that we all hold dear.
It was and is our responsibility to draw Mr Wilders’ attention to the possible consequences of his deeds. Freedom does not absolve anyone from responsibility. Already we are having to take account of serious threats to Dutch people and Dutch interests in a number of countries. We have the duty to point this out to Mr Wilders. This is why we are speaking out today: because we care about the safety of Dutch nationals and businesses in other countries. About the Dutch armed forces, who are carrying out important missions. And about the interests of the Netherlands in the broadest sense, the values for which we stand and our international reputation. We call on Mr Wilders to bear all this in mind as he considers his course of action.