Statement of the Dutch Foreign Ministry, The Hague, the Netherlands, March 5, 2024
March 6, 2024

The Dutch government shares the concerns that have been raised over the past weeks about the possible release of a film by parliamentarian Mr Wilders.
Mr Wilders does not represent the opinion of the Dutch government on this issue. Nor does his conception of Islam represent the perspective or policy of the Dutch government in any way.
All people in the Netherlands have the right to express their opinions without the prior consent of the authorities. This is one of the most valued rights in Dutch society. The person exercising this freedom however has the responsibility for how it is exercised. The Prime Minister and the Minister for Foreign Affairs urged Mr Wilders last week [on February 29] to take this into account.
Taking into account the Dutch constitution the government sees no possibilities to prohibit the film before broadcasting. After the film has been broadcast, the government will investigate the possibility that Mr Wilders has committed criminal offences and the Public Prosecution Service will take a decision whether or not to prosecute.
Islam is an important factor in how people define their own identity and the identity of others. Political differences are being presented increasingly as expressions of religious differences. This has led some to see Islam as a threat. Obviously this is wrong. Nobody gains anything by blaming a religion for violence and oppression. People, not religions, are responsible.
Muslims play an active part in Dutch society: two members of the Dutch government are Muslims. The Muslim community in the Netherlands has proven its maturity and its awareness of the context in which debate takes place in our country.
The Dutch government respects all religions, including Islam, and it will continue to combat hatred, discrimination and intolerance, as well as extremists on all sides.
On Wednesday [March 5] the ambassadors of the member states of the Organisation of Islamic Countries accredited to the Netherlands have been informed of our views. We expect all governments to take their responsibility in protecting Dutch citizens, property and institutions. We must all do our best to help de-escalate the situation.