Mission to The Netherlands – May 24 – 30, 2008

A Remediation Mission to The Netherlands is scheduled for May 24- 30, 2008. The timing is designed to allow those who are interested to continue on to ConSoil 2008 in Milan. The focus of this mission will be on soil, sediment and ground water remediation practices in the Netherlands and Europe and how the Netherlands and Canada can collaborate using both Dutch and Canadian expertise to move forward effectively. In order to do this successfully, remediation will be considered in a comprehensive way, starting with policy and moving to implementation measures.
The Mission is being designed as an important step to facilitate collaboration leading to real solutions including possible pilot projects and ultimately facilitating clean ups in both countries. The program therefore will include site visits and meetings with Dutch counterparts, who are working in the field from the perspective of policy, R&D;, technology and project work as well as presentations by Canadian counterparts. The last day (Friday) will be a workshop where Canadian and Dutch will work together to establish a joint masterplan for the next 2-3 years. Representatives of both governments will be in attendance to help facilitate this approach.
Read all about this important mission and how to participate: Mission to The Netherlands