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Holland & the tulips in Ottawa
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In 1945, the people of Holland presented Ottawa with over 100,000 tulip bulbs in appreciation of Canada’s dual role of harboring the Royal family members and aiding with the liberation of the Netherlands. In 2004, researching the correct numbers of tulips available in the National Capital Region, the Dutch Canadian Association in Ottawa asked Marie-Ève Létourneau from the National Capital Commission to help recover the right data. Here are her words verbatim. Please mention the source if you use the following text:

“Each Spring, between 3 to 5 million tulips bloom throughout the region. This approximate number includes the 1 million tulips that the NCC manages annually in its parks and on its properties, as well as the many tulips planted by the Canadian Tulip Festival’s official partners and the general public. Most of our bulbs are renewed every two years, except for the ones found on high profile attraction sites, such as Parliament Hill, Major’s Hill Park and the National War Memorial. In this particular case, the NCC is responsible for changing some 500,000 bulbs each year, and it is important to note that all bulbs removed by our contractors are usually used to make compost.

“As for the most impressive tulip beds, they can be found on two Canadian Tulip Festival official sites, which are Commissioners Park, where the NCC plants 300,000 tulips each year and Major’s Hill Park (40,000 tulips). The beds found on Parliament Hill are also known to be quite spectacular with 33,000 tulips blooming each year. You can also appreciate a considerable amount of tulips along Colonel By Drive (4 beds between Bank Street and Bronson for a total of 31,000 tulips) and Queen Elizabeth Drive (10 beds along driveway between Laurier Street and Bank Street for a total of 43,000 tulips).

“The NCC buys tulips every year. For example, in Fall 2002, the crown corporation bought 400,000 bulbs, which were planted in various sites. In a scenario like this one, our contractors make sure that all purchased bulbs are supplied by Holland. Also, all bulbs donated to the NCC come specifically from Holland. A significant quantity (10,000) is donated by Princess Juliana (who passed away in 2004) and the Dutch Bulb Growers Association (10,000), who both have made a tradition of sending bulbs each year as a symbol of appreciation for Canada’s contribution in the liberation of the Netherlands during World War II.”

“Marie-Ève Létourneau, Communications Officer, The National Capital Commission

Throughout the years, the tulip became a focal point in Ottawa’s short spring time.

Source: Dutch Canadian Association website: www.dutchinottawa.ca


©2009 The Royal Netherlands Embassy – Ottawa, Canada
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