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Orgaworld Canada finds new site for State-of-the-Art Organics Processing Plant
June 12, 2024

By Hans Moor

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Orgaworld Canada Ltd. -part of Orgaworld BV, a Dutch company that has extensive experience composting SSO materials in the Netherlands- is pleased to announce that it has selected a site to construct a new tunnel composting site in an industrial park near Hawthorne & Rideau Road [Part Lot 27, Concession 6 (Rideau Front), Hawthorne Road]. “This is a great site for our facility” said Ward Janssens, Manager International Operations – Orgaworld. “The site is in a Heavy Industrial Park that is already zoned to permit this type of use, is on a major truck route, and has the necessary power supply,” added Janssens.

According to Orgaworld Canada Ltd. Senior Operations Manager Mike Losee, “This state of the art aerobic processing plant will be housed in a new building constructed specifically for this purpose.” The facility will accept source-separated organic (SSO) material including kitchen and yard waste, which is sorted at the residential level. The SSO material is converted into high-quality compost that can be used for agricultural and horticultural purposes.

In a recent staff report to the City’s Planning and Environment Committee, it was noted that the diversion of organics through composting must be enhanced to reach the 60% diversion target in the residential sector, and that the largest gains are likely to come from increased diversion of organic, both food and yard waste.

The composting process involves placing the SSO material in long composting tunnels that are sealed and exposed to constant air flow. The SSO material then undergoes an aerobic process that yields a high-quality compost material while producing minimal waste constituents or odours. “This technology represents an excellent example of diverting SSO from landfills and using this material to produce a beneficial end product”, said Mike Losee. Orgaworld Canada Ltd. will be constructing the facility with the help of local partners in Canada, and more specifically in Ottawa. Construction is expected to start in August-September 2008.

Orgaworld Canada Ltd. is part of Orgaworld BV, a Dutch company that has extensive experience composting SSO materials in the Netherlands where space for waste disposal is limited and solid waste management alternatives are critical. In the Netherlands, Orgaworld’s processes meet the highest standards under the stringent Dutch regulations. The composting facility to be constructed in the Ottawa area can be adapted to changing volumes and will be permitted for a total processing capacity of approximately 150,000 tonnes of SSO per year.

See the future location from space: Orgaworld in Ottawa

For any questions regarding the project or the composting technology, please contact:

  • Mike Losee Senior Operations Manager, 519-282-8303;
  • Ward Janssens Manager International Operations 519-500-8176; or
  • Dale Harley 613-882-5684


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