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Ottawa: Prince Floris Guest of Honour at veterans congress
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This past week Prince Floris was the guest of honour at the 42nd Convention of the Royal Canadian Legion. The Prince is the god son of The Legion, an interest group for veterans and their families with more than 400,000 members. More than 1500 delegates met this week in the National Capital. During their visit Prince Floris and his wife Princess Aimée participated in various ceremonies.

In the presence of the Minister for Veterans Affairs Greg Thompson, Prince Floris officially opened the 42nd Convention. He participated in the delegate debates under the leadership of Jack Frost, president of The Legion. Before the start of the convention, delegates participated in a parade along the National Monument in the center of Ottawa, followed by a wreath laying ceremony at this memorial by Prince Floris.

The Royal Couple paid a visit to a local branch of The Legion in Ottawa. As well, they were given a tour of the renowned Canadian War Museum, located for the past two years in a spectacular new building along the Ottawa River.

A round table discussion on the Ottawa Convention of 1997, which bans the use, production and storage of landmines, was held. In the presence of the Royal Couple, the original Canadian initiators of this Convention discussed its implementation.

Karel de Beer, Netherlands Ambassador to Canada, organized the “Prince Floris Golf Tournament” to celebrate this special visit. Its proceeds benefitted two charities: the Poppy Fund, in favor of the social works of The Legion and the Military Families Fund, which supports the families of Canadian soldiers abroad. The chosen charities emphasized the importance of Canadian – Dutch cooperation in military matters.

Military Hyland Golf Course in Ottawa hosted the golf tournament. Prince Floris unveiled two remembrance plaques to commemorate the battles of Arnhem and the Scheldt, where Canadian troops played a decisive role during World War II.

Prince Floris Golf Tournament

Karel de Beer, Netherlands Ambassador to Canada, organized the first “Prince Floris Golf Tournament” to celebrate Prince Floris’ and Princess Aimee’s special visit to Ottawa this past week. The golf tournament was sponsored by Thales Canada/Thales The Netherlands, DRS Technologies Canada Ltd., Colt Canada Corporation, CAE and Hylands Golf Club.

The military Hyland Golf Course in Ottawa, a true jewel among Canadian Forces golf facilities, hosted this charity golf tournament. As part of its Memorial Project, which aims to name each course hole after specific WWII battles, battle honours, famous units, ships or squadrons, Prince Floris unveiled two remembrance plaques to commemorate the battles of Arnhem and the Scheldt, where Canadian troops played a decisive role during World War II.

The proceeds of the Prince Floris Golf Tournament benefitted two charities: the Poppy Fund, in favor of the social works of The Legion and the Military Families Fund, which supports the families of Canadian soldiers abroad. The chosen charities emphasize the importance of Canadian – Dutch cooperation in military matters.

The many supporters of this tournament enjoyed a wonderful day of golf. The sun even came out for a short while, although the beautiful umbrellas, provided by Thales, also came in handy. All in all, the first Prince Floris Charity Golf Tournament was a great success and we look forward to many more.


©2009 The Royal Netherlands Embassy – Ottawa, Canada
Constitution Square Building
350 Albert Street, suite 2020, Ottawa, ON K1R 1A4 – CANADA
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