15 Food Microbiology PhD students from Wageningen visit Canada
July 1, 2024
By Hans Moor

From June 20 till July 5 2008 we have scheduled a trip to the south eastern part of Canada. Toronto, Guelph, London, Ottawa and Montreal will be visited with 16 PhD students and one accompanying professor. The aim of this trip is to gain knowledge about research and applications in the field of food microbiology at an international level.
We will visit universities, institutes and companies. During a visit we will present our research, get an insight into the Canadian research and there will be time for discussion. Also tours around the companies or universities will be part of the program. Additionally, we will organize a one day symposium together with the University of Guelph. Hopefully this trip will help us to build a network of acquaintances with whom we possible can collaborate in the future.
More (participants, sponsors and itinerary) on the trip on the Wageningen website.