Canada biomass business day

The Canadian Embassy in the Hague will be holding its annual Canada Business Day on Wednesday 22nd October 2008 in Amstelveen (near Amsterdam). Bio-mass is a big business in Canada – as there is an ample supply. In the past, emphasis was on turning this into bio-energy. Now, however, efforts have turned to getting maximum value-added from biomass, which includes valuable chemicals in addition to energy. Canada has many areas of leading technology to turn bio-mass into valuable products, such as lubricants, plastics and plastic foam. Canada is also leading in turning waste into ethanol and bio-fuels.
The Netherlands is also strong in many areas related to processing of bio-mass. Accordingly, there are considerable opportunities for mutually-beneficial trade, investment and R&D; collaboration.
Canadian companies in 2nd and 3rd generation bio-mass or waste processing might be interested in showcasing their technology or visiting to find a Dutch partner to pursue market opportunities.
This is the fourth year for a Canadian business promotion. Three years ago, the Canadian embassy held a general Canada promotion. The next year, the embassy focused on the wireless sector. Last year, the embassy undertook a promotion in the food sector. All three promotions attracted a large Dutch business audience, and in each year, we uncovered a considerable number of trade, investment and partnering opportunities. Given significant Dutch interest in the renewables sector, we expect the same this year. KPMG have offered to host the event in their facilities, and also to assist the embassy in recruiting Dutch companies. They can help Canada deliver a strong investment message.
The event will consist of a keynote speaker and three to five additional Canadian speakers followed by a testimonial by one or two Dutch companies which have successfully established subsidiaries in Canada. The event will end with a networking reception to give participants the opportunity to speak to individual guests and speakers. The aim of the event is to give Dutch participants a view of the growing Canadian bio-energy sector in the areas of policy, capabilities and new technology and to encourage Dutch companies to consider the North American market for trade, investment and R&D; partnerships.
For any companies, investment promotion officials or speakers, Canada’s embassy would be pleased to assist in giving “added value” to their visit, e.g. in arranging meetings before or after the event with organisations in the Netherlands which they feel could have business or investment potential. As well, the embassy would be prepared to work with their renewable energy colleagues in other EU countries to request their assistance in arranging meetings or speaking engagements. Should you wish this extra service, Canada kindly invite you to submit your request before 1st October 2008 to:
Canadian Embassy
P.O. Box 30820
2500 GV The Hague The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)70 – 311 16 00 / Fax +31 (0) 70 311 16 82