Ottawa: Students and Veterans to celebrate freedom in Europe

Update december 12th
This morning Ambassador Wim Geerts successfully launched the “Victory in Europe National Student Tour 2010 to the Netherlands”, together with Rick Dykstra, a number of Parliamentarians, veterans and students.
In May 2010, thousands of Canadian students and teachers will join Canada’s National Student Tour and travel to the Netherlands to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe and the liberation of the Netherlands.
“My parents instilled in me a deep and lasting sense of gratitude towards Canada and its brave men and women in uniform who liberated our country,” Ambassador Geerts said. “That is why it is so relevant that Canadian and Dutch students will be keeping that memory alive. The torch of freedom should never be extinguished. It must be passed on from one generation to the other.”
Students and Veterans to join the Netherlands Ambassador and Members of Parliament to kick-off National Student Tour celebrating the 65th anniversary of Victory in Europe.
Ottawa, ON – December 3, 2023 – In May 2010(!), thousands of Canadian students will travel to the Netherlands to join Dutch citizens in celebrating the 65th anniversary of Victory in Europe and the liberation of the Netherlands. Over 42,000 Canadian soldiers gave their lives in World War II, including 7,600 that died fighting to liberate the Netherlands.
On December 8th, 2008, the National Student Tour to celebrate Victory in Europe will be kicked-off at the Canadian War Museum.
The event will be attended by students, educators, government officials, and veterans. Among the speakers are His Excellency Wim Geerts, Ambassador to the Kingdom of the Netherlands; Member of Parliament Rick Dykstra, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration and Chair, Canada-Netherlands Inter-parliamentary Group; and Dave Robinson, coordinator for the Victory in Europe 65th anniversary National Student Tour and organizer of the student trip to the 90th anniversary of Vimy in 2007, which was attended by 5,000 Canadian students.
Following short speeches is a special student exchange symbolizing the ongoing friendship between Canada and the Netherlands.
Event: Launch announcement, symbolic exchange, and photo ops
Date: Monday, December 8, 2008
Time: 9:00-10:00am
Location: Le Breton Hall, Canadian War Museum, 1 Vimy Place, Ottawa
Students, along with tour coordinator Dave Robinson, Ambassador Geerts and Member of Parliament Rick Dykstra will be available for on-site or phone interviews.
More information can also be found at
For more information, please contact:
Sandy Jespersen