Royal Netherlands embassy in Ottawa, Canada
Homepage > News > The Netherlands candidate for the Human Rights Council 2007-2010
The Netherlands candidate for the Human Rights Council 2007-2010
The Netherlands is seeking re-election to the Human Rights Council for a full three year term (2007-2010) in order to continue contributing to the Council’s work in the future.

The Netherlands would like to take the responsibility to cooperate constructively in the Human Rights Council, to enable the Council to act effectively, efficiently and decisively to promote and protect human rights worldwide. Please find out more about our candidature in our voluntary pledges and commitments on human rights in accordance with Resolution A/RES/60/251.

The Netherlands has a longstanding involvement in the protection and promotion on human rights worldwide and has contributed actively to the construction of international mechanisms for human rights protection. Human rights are an integral part of our foreign policy. As a current member of the Human Rights Council, the Netherlands contributes actively to the construction of the Council and to the debate on human rights situation throughout the world, with a view to achieving freedom, justice and dignity for all.

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