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Joint Strike Fighter

The Netherlands, which had participated in the Concept Development Phase of JSF since June 1997, now becomes a level-2 partner in the System Development and Demonstration (SDD) phase. This represents an investment of $ 800 million over the next 10 years, which will be funded by both government and industry.

Before reaching this important decision, the Netherlands conducted a multi-year rigorous technical and financial analysis of potential candidates to replace its F-16s. In the final assessment the JSF ranked first. The Joint Strike Fighter is slated to replace the Royal Netherlands Airforce F-16s. Dutch participation in the JSF project further reinforces the outstanding cooperation between the United States and the Netherlands from which the successful multinational F-16 program is an key example. Coalition interoperability proved its value during the Gulf War, the Kosovo-crisis (where Dutch F-16s took part in the operations and shot down a MIG 29), and the current Operation Enduring Freedom.

The Dutch Parliament, by an overwhelming majority, endorsed the Cabinet’s decision for the Netherlands to participate in the development of the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF). This participation further tightens the military and industrial cooperation between the USA and the Netherlands.

Participation on level 2 enables Dutch industry to contribute substantially to the development and production of the JSF. This secures a work package of a high technological content for the Dutch aerospace cluster. International cooperation is highly favored in the Netherlands. The Netherlands is the second largest foreign investor in the United States and one of the top trading partners with the U.S.

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