Royal Netherlands embassy in Ottawa, Canada



Recent news and activities

Welcome to the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Ottawa

The Royal Netherlands Embassy in Ottawa represents, promotes and protects the interests of the government of the Netherlands, as well as those of Dutch nationals in Canada.

If you still have questions after reviewing the information available on this website, then the Netherlands Front Office Information Desk can answer your questions or point you in the right direction.

Please call 1-877-DUTCHHELP (1-877-388-2443) between 7.00 AM – 7.00 PM Central Time).

Should a NFO staff member be busy or if you call us after business hours, you can leave your question in the voice mail system. All calls will be returned the following business day. You can also submit a question by sending an email to nfo(at)dutchhelp(dot)com.

For tourist information, contact the Netherlands Board of Tourism:
Internet Externe link

E-mail: Emailadres

Tel. (212) 557-3500 (New York)
Fax (212) 370-9507

Opening hours for visa, passports and other consular services:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Closed on Wednesdays

General office hours:
Monday-Friday 9 a.m.- 4 p.m.
