Commemoration of Dutch Immigration to
Canada In 2003, Pier 21 in Halifax will celebrate its 75th year of
existence. Pier 21 -now a renovated historic landmark- was the entry point where more than
one million immigrants arrived by ship to start a new life. Among them were 184.000 Dutch
immigrants, many of whom had to endure hardship to find a better life. Today, almost one
million persons of Dutch descent live in Canada, where they form an integrated and
respected part of Canadian society.
June 2003, a special program will be
held at Pier 21 to commemorate the Dutch immigrants who landed here. This official
program is organised by the Consulate General in Montreal and the Royal Netherlands
Embassy in Ottawa. It will take place in the Kenneth C. Rowe Heritage Hall of Pier 21
National Historic Site in Halifax.
Provisional Program:
<>10.30<>- Introduction of Speakers by the Master of
Ceremony,the Hon. Peter McCreath, Honorary Consul of The Netherlands in Halifax.
10.35- <>Opening speech by the Consul General of The
Netherlands in Montreal,Albert E. Moses <>
10.40- Speech by the Netherlands Ambassador H.E. Jacques
G. van Hellenberg Hubar.
10.50- Speech by Representative(s) of the Federal
Government (to be confirmed).
11.00- Presentation by Canadian-Dutch expert Trudy
Duivenvoorden Mitic: "Impact of Dutch immigrants on Canadian Society".<11.30
11.30- Music performance by The Royal Netherlands Army
Trumpeter Corps
11.50- Unveiling of Dutch commemoration plaque.<>
12.00- End of ceremony.<>
You are kindly invited to attend this ceremony. Because
seating capacity is limited, only the first 450 applications can be honoured. Please
return the enclosed reply before 15th
March. Successful applicants will receive an entry card by the end of March.
<There are no costs attached to attending the ceremony.
However, participants do have to make their own travel and lodging arrangements at their
own expense.I would also like to draw your attention to a Special Festivities Program,
organised by the "Committee of Dutch Immigrants Pier 21" in Halifax from 28-30
June For more information please contact the Committee Chairman, Mr Gerry Blom, 95 Burpee
Street, Fredericton NB E3A 1M3 (tel 1-506-451-0993, cell 1-506-447-0753 or email
The Ambassador of the Netherlands
J.G. van Hellenberg Hubar