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Matra backed news service wins press freedom prize
The Russian news and information service Caucasian Knot has won the prestigious ‘Gerd Bucerius’ international journalism award.

Since 1 June 2006, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Social Transformation Programme (Matra) has been supporting a joint project of Caucasian Knot and Dutch NGO Press Now to promote professional journalistic standards. Caucasian Knot (Externe link http://eng.kavkaz-uzel.ru) is een Internet-based news and information service dealing with the northern and southern Caucasus and focusing on Chechenya, Nagorno Karabakh, and South Ossetia. The service is especially concerned with human rights, political issues, and civil society. The prize was awarded on 21 June, during a ceremony at the Nobel Institute (Oslo, Norway).

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