World War II – Victims of Persecution BenefitsWetten voor Oorlogsgetroffenen 1940-1945 / Acts for War Victims 1940-1945
The Netherlands Government has a special program which provides financial assistance for citizens and former citizens of The Netherlands who during the Second World War were interned in Europe and in the former Dutch East Indies, or had to go into hiding because of their race, religion or convictions. Under this program financial assistance may be offered for medical problems, provided these medical problems relate to wartime experiences.
If you would like to know more about the possibilities for financial support, please visit the website
To receive a brochure “Wegwijzer voor Oorlogsgetroffenen” (Guide for War Victims) regarding possible coverage through the Acts for War Victims 1940-1945 please send a written request to:
Consulate General of The Netherlands
War Victims Department
1 Dundas Street West, Suite 2106
Toronto, Ontario
M5G 1Z3
Fax: (416) 598-8064
In the brochure you will find the following information:
1. Who is eligible
2. Which act applies to you
3. Who is entitled to a benefit/pension
If you feel you qualify and wish to submit an application, you are requested to provide the following information to the Consulate General of The Netherlands in Toronto:
1. Your full name, address and telephone number
2. Birth date and place (if possible a copy of your birth certificate)
3. Which Act(s) you wish to apply for
4. Your nationality during the war and your present nationality; if you are a Canadian citizen please enclose a copy of your Naturalization Certificate.
Upon receipt of this information, you will receive a set of application forms.