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Homepage > The Netherlands and Spain want a strong legal basis for the EU mission to Kosovo
The Netherlands and Spain want a strong legal basis for the EU mission to Kosovo
15 Jan 2024 | The Netherlands and Spain both attach great importance to a strong legal basis for the planned EU police mission in Kosovo. This was announced by Dutch foreign minister Maxime Verhagen following discussions with his Spanish counterpart, Miguel Moratinos, and the Spanish state secretary for European affairs, Alberto Navarro, in Madrid yesterday

The European Union is preparing a police mission in Kosovo, where it will also contribute to the international administrative mission. Negotiations between Kosovo and Serbia on the status of the province last year ended with no result.

‘We have to safeguard security in the Balkans,’ said Verhagen. ‘The tragedy of the 1990s must not be repeated. The EU mission will play an important part in providing security, which is precisely why the mission needs to be well founded in international law.’

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