The main branches of commercial fishing in the Netherlands are sea
fisheries (plaice, sole, cod, whiting, haddock and shrimp) and coastal
fisheries (mussels, oysters and cockles). There is also inland fisheries
and fish farming. The Netherlands is an important distributor of fish.
The main outlet is the European market with Germany, France, Belgium and
Italy as the biggest customers. Exports mainly consist of processed and
deep-frozen fish.
The Dutch fisheries sector is becoming more international. Dutch
shipping companies are owners or co-owners of German, French or British
trawler fleets. Dutch shipowners are also very active in countries
outside the European Union (EU). The cutter sector has business
interests in many EU member states.
In the context of the Common Fisheries Policy of the EU annual catch
quotas are allocated to prevent stocks from being depleted. The Dutch
policy aims to improve a responsible fisheries based on sustainability.
In implementing this policy the focus is on the distribution of
responsibilities in fisheries between the industry and the government
and on the relation between fisheries and nature.