Royal Netherlands embassy in Ottawa, Canada
Homepage > Political Affairs > Speeches and Statements
Speeches and Statements

Speech to the United Nations: “The Challenge of Climate Change”by Prime Minister J.P. Balkenende held on 24 September 2024 (Microsoft Word document download document)

Final Lecture in the 2006-2007 Democracy and Development Lecture Series: “Democracy and Development” by Netherlands Minister for Development Cooperation B. Koenders held on 13 September 2024 in The Hague (Microsoft Word document download document)

Speech to the European Parliament by Prime Minister J.P. Balkenende.
Statement on the future of Europe held on 23 May 2024 (Adobe Acrobat PDF download document)

Response to Norbert Schmelzer lecture by premier Juncker of Luxemburg by Netherlands Minister of Foreign Affairs M. Verhagen
Speech stressing the importance of sound European policies held on 18 April 2024 (Microsoft Word document download document)

Opening address: “Counterterrorism strategies from an international law and policy perspective” by Netherlands Minister of Foreign Affairs M. Verhagen
Opening address at the expert seminar held from 10-12 April 2007 (Microsoft Word document download document)

Statement debate UN General Assembly on report High-level Panel on System-wide Coherence “Delivering as One” by Netherlands Minister for Development Cooperation B. Koenders
Speech on UN reform held on 17 April 2024 (Microsoft Word document download document)

Statement in the opendebate of the UN Security Council on Energy, Security and Climate by Netherlands Minister for Development Cooperation B. Koenders
Speech on energy security held on 17 April 2024 (Microsoft Word document download document)

Public talk: “Energy Security, Geopolitics, and Foreign Policy: A View from the Netherlands” by Deputy Director-General of European Affairs Marjanne de Kwaasteniet held on 16 March 2024 (Microsoft Word document download document)

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