Royal Netherlands embassy in Ottawa, Canada
Fees for consular services
The following list shows the fixed prices per consular service, as laid down in the Consular Fees Regulations of 12 December 2003. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including the embassies and consulates in other countries, provides consular services to both Dutch nationals and non-Dutch nationals (when applying for a visa for the Netherlands, for example).



Issuing copies of/extracts from deeds entered in the civil register


Marriage ceremony


Drawing up a notarial deed


Issuing copies of/extracts from notarial deeds


Voluntary jurisdiction procedures

€145 per hour

Hearing a witness or questioning an expert in civil proceedings by order of the court

€145 per hour

Drawing up a laissez-passer for a body or a certificate to accompany an urn


Drawing up a consular declaration regarding personal data constituting evidence


Mediating in efforts to solve financial problems connected with travelling/living abroad


Providing an advance from public funds


Mediating in efforts to establish that a person has come to no harm

€120 per hour

Mediating in finding a person’s address/ establishing their whereabouts

mediating: €52.50

investigating: €105 per hour

Mediating in the verification of a document or personal data

by a consular official: €78

together with an agent: €248

Legalising a document

at Ministry HQ: €10

at the mission (if the document has been drawn up in its district): €26.25

Mediating in the legalisation of a document

at Ministry HQ: €36.25

at a mission: €131

Legalising a signature


Mediation by a mission in obtaining a document


Processing an application for a ‘MVV’ visa (authorisation for temporary stay = longer than 3 months)

see website www.ind.nl

return visa


handling of an application for other kind of visa

€60 (plus €1,- per person for a collective visa)*

extension of a travelvisa for maximum 1 month


extension of a travelvisa for maximum 3 months


extension visa collective passport/list

€30 (plus €1,- per person)

change transit visa for 1 or more journeys

€35 + €1,- per person (in case of collective visa)

Mediating in the sitting of an exam

€157 for each exam

Mediating in connection with a medical examination


* Visa applicants with the nationality of a country with which the European Union has entered or will enter into a visa facilitation agreement (Albania, Bosnia, Former Yugoslav Republic Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Ukraine, Russia and Serbia) will pay EUR 35,-.

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