Royal Netherlands embassy in Ottawa, Canada
Homepage > Political Affairs
Political Affairs

The political department of the Netherlands Embassy strives to further the already excellent bilateral relations between The Netherlands and Canada. The key tasks of the political department are:

  • Following, analyzing and reporting on the political developments in Canada. This includes the developments such as elections, the relations between federal, provincial and territorial governments, and the introduction of new policies in areas such as public safety, immigration and integration and social policy.
  • Carrying out the policies of the Dutch government and promoting understanding for Dutch standpoints among Canadians as well as endorsing the European foreign and security policies.
  • Stimulating the cooperation between Canada and the Netherlands in the international context as our countries share similar views on matters including human rights, UN reform, peace and security, Afghanistan, Sudan/Dafur, and the Great Lakes in Africa.
  • Maintaining contacts with the Canadian government, NGOs, research institutes, other embassies in Ottawa and other important institutions.
  • Supporting Dutch delegations (ministers, public servants but also private sector or academic representatives) on their working visits to Canada.
  • Organizing meetings and lectures about topics of interest to Canada and The Netherlands.
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Link: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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