Royal Netherlands embassy in Ottawa, Canada
Homepage > Archive > A Touch of Dutch
A Touch of Dutch
During the month of May, the Netherlands Embassy in Ottawa has organised a variety of events in cooperation with local organisations and would like to highlight other activities with a “Dutch Touch”.

Our good friends at Operativ Visual Communications (Externe link www.makeitoperativ.com) have again produced a handsome flyer detailing the various May events. The flyer can be found around town but is also available for download, Adobe Acrobat PDF front and Adobe Acrobat PDF back.

Some of the activities have special significance for the Dutch, but may not be familiar to Canadians. We would like to provide you with a bit of background information, which we hope will convey the importance of these commemorative events.

Why is the month of May so important?

What are War Brides?

What is the significance of the military honours?

We look forward to welcoming you at one or all of these events which are our small way of celebrating the strong bonds of friendship between Canada and the Netherlands.

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Link: Electronisch reisdocument.gif (7 Kb)
Link: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Link naar Nederland in Europa.gif (1 Kb)