Royal Netherlands embassy in Ottawa, Canada
Homepage > Education > Summer Language Courses/Zomercursussen
Summer Language Courses/Zomercursussen

1. Taal Universum / Dutch Language Union

The Dutch Language Union is a Dutch-Flemish organisation set up in 1980 by treaty between the Netherlands and Belgium. The Language Union promotes and finances projects relating to the Dutch language, literature, education and culture, both in and outside the Dutch-language area.

Summer courses in Dutch language, literature and culture are a welcome supplement to the Dutch Studies courses being taken by students abroad. Three summer courses are organised under the auspices of the Language Union. These courses are aimed in the first instance at (advanced) students of Dutch Studies wishing to spend a short period in the Netherlands or Flanders during the summer. A limited number of scholarships are available for these courses.

Information and Applicaiton Form: Externe link Taaluniversum

Brochure en aanvraagformulier: Externe link Taaluniversum

2. The Amsterdam / Maastricht Summer University

Monday, 7 August, 2006 – Friday, 25 August, 2006

In conjunction with the University of Amsterdam, Institute for Dutch as a Second Language (INTT).

This Intensive Dutch language Course is offered in six different levels; from absolute beginner to academic. The course involves classes as well as homework and students have access to the language laboratory of the University of Amsterdam.

This course is primarily aimed at individuals who need to be able to speak and (depending on the level) write in Dutch for their work. Previous courses were followed by expats, managers, diplomats, researchers and people from many others professions.
This course is not intended for those who have are already able to speak, read and write Dutch at an academic level. Also, this programme is not meant for foreigners intending to do a regular 4 year study at the University of Amsterdam.

For additional information: Externe link www.amsu.edu/courses/LANG-1/

3. Delft University of Technology

The TU Delft offers a range of Dutch language courses (=NT2 courses) for non-native speakers. Beginners, as well as intermediate and advanced learners can apply to this University for intensive courses and evening courses. Customised courses can also be created for groups. The “Delftse methode” provides a whole range of NT2 teaching aids for beginners, as well as for intermediate and advanced learners. With the help of books, CDs, CD-ROMS and translations, a wide public is able to learn Dutch in a practical and unconventional way.

For additional information, please email the University directly at Emailadres delftsemethode@tbm.tudelft.nl or consult the website: Externe link www.delftsemethode.nl

For information on Delft University, please see: Externe link www.tudelft.nl

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