Royal Netherlands embassy in Ottawa, Canada
Homepage > The Netherlands: Society and Policy > Government > Addresses of Dutch Ministries
Addresses of Dutch Ministries
Government building, The Binnenhof

Ministry of General Affairs
Binnenhof 20
P.O. Box 20001
2500 EA The Hague
telephone: +31 70 3564100
fax: +31 70 3564683|
Externe link http://www.minaz.nl

Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations
Schedeldoekshaven 200
P.O. Box 20011
2500 EA The Hague
telephone: +31 70 4266426
fax: +31 70 3639153
Externe link http://www.minbzk.nl

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Bezuidenhoutseweg 67
P.O. Box 20061
2500 EB The Hague
telephone: +31 70 3486486
fax: +31 70 3484848
Externe link http://www.minbuza.nl

Ministry of Defence
Plein 4
P.O. Box 20701
2500 ES The Hague
telephone: +31 70 3188188
fax: +31 70 3187888
Externe link http://www.mindef.nl

Ministry of Economic Affairs
Bezuidenhoutseweg 30
P.O. Box 20101
2500 EC The Hague
telephone: +31 70 3798911
fax: +31 70 3474081
Externe link http://www.minez.nl

Ministry of Finance
Korte Voorhout 7
P.O. Box 20201
2500 EE The Hague
telephone: +31 70 3428000
fax: +31 70 3427905
Externe link http://www.minfin.nl

Ministry of Justice
Schedeldoekshaven 100
P.O. Box 20301
2500 EH The Hague
telephone: +31 70 3707911
fax: +31 70 3707900
Externe link http://www.justitie.nl

Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality
Bezuidenhoutseweg 73
P.O. Box 20401
2500 EK The Hague
telephone: +31 70 3786868
fax: +31 70 3786100
Externe link http://www.minlnv.nl

Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
Rijnstraat 50
P.O. Box 16375
2500 BJ Den Haag
telephone: +31 70 412 34 56
fax: +31 70 412 34 50
Email: Emailadres ocwinfo@postbus51.nl
Externe link www.minocw.nl

Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment
Anna van Hannoverstraat 4
P.O. Box 90801
2509 LV The Hague
telephone: +31 70 3334444
fax: +31 70 3334040
Externe link http://www.minszw.nl

Minister of Transport, Public Works and Water Management
Plesmanweg 1
P.O. Box 20901
2500 EX The Hague
telephone: +31 70 3516171
fax: +31 70 3517895
Externe link www.minvenw.nl

Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport
Parnassusplein 5
P.O. Box 20350
2500 EJ Den Haag
telephone: +31 70 3407911
fax: +31 70 3407834
Externe link http://www.minvws.nl

Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment
Rijnstraat 8
P.O. Box 20951
2500 EZ The Hague
telephone: +31 70 3393939
fax: +31 70 3391352
Externe link http://www.minvrom.nl and Externe link www.sharedspaces.nl, the ministry’s English-language online magazine

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