Royal Netherlands embassy in Ottawa, Canada
Homepage > Visas and Consular Services > Compulsory identification for nationals and residents
Compulsory identification for nationals and residents
On 1 January 2005, the Compulsory Identification (Extended Scope) Act came into force. Since that date, everyone of 14 years and older must be able to produce an original (not a copy) valid identity document and carry it with them at all times. Failure to produce an original, valid identity document is a criminal offence.

The following documents are accepted as proof of identity:

  • National passport (also from the EU/EEA);
  • Diplomatic passport (also from the EU/EEA);
  • Service passport (also from the EU/EEA);
  • Dutch refugee passport;
  • Dutch travel document for aliens;
  • Passports issued under certain circumstances to displaced Moluccans and second passport;
  • Dutch identity card (formerly known as the European identity card);
  • Driving licence (also from the EU/EEA);
  • Residence documents and Leave to Remain Card.

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