Royal Netherlands embassy in Ottawa, Canada
What if you lose your passport?

If your travel document has been lost or stolen, you should report this to the police as soon as possible. Even if you have lost your travel document abroad, you must report the loss to the police in the Netherlands. The police will give you a certified copy of the police report, which you must bring when you apply for a new travel document at the nearest Dutch embassy or consulate.

When you apply for a new document, the issuing authority will draw up a missing document statement. Your stolen of lost document will be recorded in order to prevent fraud and improper use. If the document is subsequently found it is no longer usable and must be handed in to an issuing authority as soon as possible. If your document is lost or stolen you should allow for additional charges and a longer waiting time.

If you mislay travel documents repeatedly, you may not be issued with a new passport (see Section 24b of the Passports Act).

Passports Act, Section 24b

Refusal or cancellation may be effected at the request of the Minister in question or a relevant authority charged with the implementation of this Act, if there are grounds for assuming that the person in question has performed or will perform acts relating to travel documents that have breached or will breach trust with regard to travel documents or if the person in question has deliberately enabled or will deliberately enable a third party to perform such acts relating to a travel document issued to the person in question.

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