Royal Netherlands embassy in Ottawa, Canada
Selected municipal websites
Cities in the Netherlands where many expats live:
  • Amsterdam
    Externe link www.amsterdam.nl – practical information in Dutch and English on housing, public transport, healthcare, tourist attractions, etc. Information on local hospitalsonly in Dutch.
  • The Hague
    Externe link www.thehague.nl – attractive English-language site with extensive information about The Hague and surroundings especially geared to expats. See ‘Practical Information’ for police, fire brigade and other emergency numbers.
    Externe link www.denhaag.com – provides a wealth of cultural, tourist and convention-related information in English and Dutch, including events, hotels, restaurants and a city guide.
  • Wassenaar
    Externe link www.wassenaar.nl – municipal website in Dutch and English with services and information for inhabitants.
  • Rotterdam
    Externe link www.rotterdam.nl – Dutch site focussed mainly on business and the harbour. English menu offers concise general information and an order form for a free brochure with detailed information about working and living in Rotterdam.
  • Utrecht
    Externe link www.utrecht.nl – Dutch site with services and information for inhabitants and tourists. English menu links to well-selected English-language sites for tourists, business people and students. The Utrecht University (Externe link www.uu.nl) has its own extensive English site.
  • Maastricht
    Externe link www.maastricht.nl well-organised municipal website with extensive practical and tourist information in Dutch and English.

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