Royal Netherlands embassy in Ottawa, Canada
The Schengen Visa
Although travellers no longer have to show their passports when crossing borders between Schengen countries, this does not mean that travelling within the Schengen Area is the same as travelling within a single country.

Does a Schengen visa automatically allow me to enter the Schengen Area?
The Schengen visa allows aliens requiring a visa to enter Schengen countries, including the Netherlands. But not automatically. When you enter the Schengen Area, you may still be asked to provide information or show documents relating to your financial resources and the duration and purpose of your visit.

I have a Schengen visa. Do I still have to take documents relating to my visit with me?
Yes. When you travel to the Schengen Area, make sure you take with you copies of all the documents and other items of evidence that you had to produce in order to obtain a visa. Especially:

A) Documents and other evidence concerning your financial resources:

  • convertible currency, traveller’s cheques, bankbook (passbook) and/or
  • (if applicable) a copy of the legalised letter of guarantee that you submitted with your visa application, copies of evidence of your guarantor’s income and the travel medical insurance.

B) Documents and other evidence to substantiate the purpose of your visit:

  • if you intend to visit friends or relatives, a copy of the legalised letter of invitation;
  • if you intend to stay in a hotel, a hotel reservation or evidence that you have paid the bill in advance;
  • if you intend to visit on business, documents showing the nature of your business (quotations, bills, contracts, etc.);
  • if you intend to undergo medical treatment, documents showing that you intend to visit the Netherlands for medical reasons (a letter from the hospital where you are to be treated, evidence that you are medically insured, evidence that you have paid for the treatment, or evidence that you can afford the treatment);
  • if you are an artist intending to perform in the Netherlands, a valid work permit (if required) and documents stating the precise places, times, and durati ons of your performances.
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Link: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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