Royal Netherlands embassy in Ottawa, Canada
Homepage > Education > University Programs > Wageningen University
Wageningen University

Wageningen University was founded in 1918. In recent decades it has evolved into one of the world’s leading education and research centres in the plant, animal, environmental, agrotechnological, food and social sciences.

As a leader in the life sciences community, Wageningen University has been aware of changes in society in relation to food production and the environment that have taken place over the last several decades. Agriculture has become market-driven and this has placed increasing pressure on the environment and on the agro-production chain as a whole. Wageningen scientists recognise the ultimate importance of ensuring a reliable supply of safe, high quality, healthy food while sustaining biodiversity and conserving natural resources. . Wageningen University has therefore formulated its mission accordingly:

“Wageningen University wishes to develop and disseminate the scientific knowledge needed to sustainably supply society’s demand for sufficient, healthy food and a good environment for humans, animals and plants”.

Recognising the importance of disseminating knowledge and expertise, students from around the world are offered a wide range of educational programmes

Multi-disciplinary education in an international setting

Wageningen University is a leading educational institution in the Netherlands that offers the possibility to integrate natural and social sciences. Study programmes cover the full range from plant sciences, food technology and health to supply chain management, from environmental sciences to sociology and economics.

Wageningen University offers a broad range of Study Programmes, including National Graduate Programmes as well as International Education (MSc, BSc, MBA, PhD). For more information, please visit: Externe link http://www.wau.nl/uk/education/

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