9/15/09 |
De Prinsjesdagwebsite van de Rijksoverheid
9/15/09 |
Speech from the Throne 2009
9/14/09 |
Go cycling in Vancouver – October 3rd, 2009
9/2/09 |
Canada: Roel Bekker signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Secretary of the Treasury Board of Canada
9/2/09 |
Over 100 nominations for Human Rights Tulip
9/1/09 |
Summer courses at the Hague Academy of International Law 2010
8/31/09 |
Canada: City of Kingston visits the Netherlands: program
8/30/09 |
Netherlands Antilles sign tax information exchange agreement with Canada
8/26/09 |
Dutch foreign minister urges international community to take concrete steps against human rights violations
8/11/09 |
Collecties Nederlandse kunst in Canada
8/7/09 |
Changing of the guard in Uruzgan
8/6/09 |
Ottawa: ambassador Geerts opens World Press Photo exhibit
8/6/09 |
Netherlands at Globe 2010 in Vancouver
7/20/09 |
Dutch missions in Canada closed on August 3 Bank holiday
7/16/09 |
Chargé d’Affaires Erik Boer inspects the Canadian Forces for ‘King of Walks’
7/14/09 |
Canadian War Museum hosts official send-off parade
7/3/09 |
Call for Public Diplomacy and Outreach EU-Canada
5/31/09 |
Dutch ‘paddenstoel’ unveiled in Ottawa
5/6/09 |
Holland & the tulips in Ottawa
5/6/09 |
Koninklijk huis en ministers naar herdenking Apeldoorn
4/29/09 |
Unique pictures from Royal Family in war time Ottawa
4/29/09 |
Koninklijke Bibliotheek geeft Canada boeken/Dutch National Library donates book to Canada
4/28/09 |
Ottawa: Touch of Dutch 2009
4/9/09 |
Prinses Marilène opent tentoonstelling van Hollandse meesters in Vancouver
4/3/09 |
Celebrate the 65th anniversary of the liberation of the Netherlands (2010)
3/27/09 |
Dutch Task Force Uruzgan (Afghanistan)
3/27/09 |
Watch out – electric cars are coming to Amsterdam
3/5/09 |
Dutch International Cultural Policy
3/5/09 |
closing Consulate St. John’s, NL
3/5/09 |
Nederlandse Task Force Uruzgan (Afghanistan) – round Table discussion
2/23/09 |
Admission Program for Highly Educated Persons effective as of 1 January 2024
2/19/09 |
Entering the Canadian market at Asia Pacific Sourcing in Cologne – March 2, 2024
2/18/09 |
Dutch ambassador admires NATO-themed ice sculpture
2/12/09 |
Montreal: Dutch trade mission to Canada: March 17-19, 2009
2/11/09 |
Ottawa: Criminal Prosecution of Dutch MP Geert Wilders
1/23/09 |
Vermoedelijke wijziging RWN per 01 maart 2009
1/7/09 |
KLM start lijndienst naar Calgary
1/5/09 |
Burlington’s twin City of Apeldoorn (the Netherlands) wins European Energy Award
1/5/09 |
International study programs offered in The Netherlands
1/5/09 |
Dutch language and culture summer courses 2009
1/5/09 |
Netherlands’ first Moroccan mayor inaugurated
1/4/09 |
Ottawa: EU plays hockey against Canada
12/18/08 |
Ottawa: ambassador shines a light on Canadian soldiers
12/18/08 |
Ottawa: ambassadeur zet Canadese militairen in het zonnetje
12/12/08 |
Dutch Human Rights Tulip Award for Human Rights Defenders
12/12/08 |
Ottawa: Ambassador Geerts activily involved in Human Rights Day
12/11/08 |
Rijksakademie Call for Entries
12/10/08 |
Statement by the Dutch government on Jami film
11/28/08 |
The Netherlands signs Memorandum of Understanding with Ontario
11/25/08 |
Amsterdam Airport chosen World’s Favourite
11/13/08 |
11/13/08 |
11/13/08 |
Embassy partly closed on November 18th, 2008
10/23/08 |
Rock solid friendship in Burlington
10/23/08 |
Dutch Frigate to Somalia against piracy
10/19/08 |
Dutch government to invest USD 13.5 billion in ING Bank
10/19/08 |
Funeral held for distinguished Canadian veteran
10/17/08 |
Unveiling new Burlington street signage includes Apeldoorn at entry point of Burlington.
10/9/08 |
Toronto: "Go Green Go Dutch" follow up: 25 children bikes donated
10/3/08 |
Dutch Government nationalises Fortis and ABN AMRO
9/24/08 |
Canada: Vancouver Olympics logos designed by Dutch "I am Jac" Design
9/22/08 |
Kingston: World Canal conference 2008
9/10/08 |
Discovery channel Canada showcases The Netherlands
9/8/08 |
Ottawa: Successful 2008 World Press Photo Exhibition
9/3/08 |
Keeping the North Sea at Bay
8/28/08 |
Canada: Dutch missions closed on Labour Day
8/27/08 |
Changing of the guard: new Dutch ambassador in Ottawa
8/19/08 |
Netherlands: 1,400,000 new bikes a year
8/12/08 |
Dutch dairy chain aiming for energy-neutral production
8/6/08 |
Canada: Delft University students visit Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto.
7/30/08 |
Gezocht: Nederlandse migranten in Canada
7/18/08 |
Dutch children happiest of 41 countries: smoking and drinking declined
7/10/08 |
Canadian participation in the world famous Nijmegen Marches
7/1/08 |
15 Food Microbiology PhD students from Wageningen visit Canada
7/1/08 |
Dutch economic update: Dutch producer confidence up, consumers down….
7/1/08 |
Dutch smoking ban kicks in: but what about the coffeehouses?
6/30/08 |
Ottawa: Prince Floris Guest of Honour at veterans congress
6/27/08 |
General Hillier bestowed Commander in the Order of Orange Nassau
6/12/08 |
Orgaworld Canada finds new site for State-of-the-Art Organics Processing Plant
6/11/08 |
Colonel Kampman receives Commemorative Medal and the Medal of Merit
6/11/08 |
Consulaat in Montreal doneert parkbankjes aan Quebec
6/10/08 |
"Honour our past, celebrate the future"
6/5/08 |
Report on visit Bernard Bot to Ottawa (May 28th)
6/3/08 |
Hoe vraag ik AOW aan vanuit Canada?
4/30/08 |
The Netherlands: third exporting country in the EU
4/17/08 |
Minister Cramer: ‘The Netherlands to be a frontrunner in CCS development’
4/17/08 |
Verhagen to continue campaign against the death penalty
3/30/08 |
Dutchman wins Grand Prize at Montreal Film Festival
3/20/08 |
Energy from osmoses in The Netherlands
3/10/08 |
Maxime Verhagen ontmoet collega Maxime Bernier van Canada
3/5/08 |
Tineke Doornbosch receives Dutch passport
2/26/08 |
Dutch consumer confidence shows downward trend
2/14/08 |
Landbouwattaché in prijzen voor grotere aandacht Canadese visserij
1/24/08 |
Holland participates on Globe 2008, Vancouver
10/25/07 |
Dutch soil remediation delegation visit in Alberta
10/9/07 |
Ambassador plants first tulip at Legion House
9/18/07 |
Troonrede – Speech from the Throne 2007
9/8/07 |
Holland Dag Spruce Meadows
9/4/07 |
Canadian health care delegation
6/11/07 |
Prime Minister Balkenende of the Netherlands visits Canada
5/1/07 |
Nederland en Canada praten over belastingschulden